Automating OMI Agent Installation with Ansible

In the world of DevOps and infrastructure automation, configuration management tools like Ansible play a crucial role. Recently, I worked on an Ansible playbook to automate the installation of the OMI (Open Management Infrastructure) Agent, ensuring a smooth and consistent deployment across multiple servers.

Why Automate OMI Agent Installation?

Manual installation processes can be time-consuming and prone to errors. With Ansible, we can:

  • Standardize the installation across multiple machines.

  • Reduce manual effort and human error.

  • Improve scalability and efficiency.

Project Overview

In this project, I created an Ansible role that handles the following tasks: ✅ Downloading & extracting the OMI packageInstalling the agentVerifying the installationEnsuring the service is running

Ansible Role Structure

The project follows the best practices of Ansible Galaxy with the following structure:

├── tasks/
│   ├── main.yml  # Main automation logic
├── handlers/
│   ├── main.yml  # Service restarts if required
├── meta/
│   ├── main.yml  # Role metadata
├── vars/
│   ├── main.yml  # Variables used in the playbook
└──     # Documentation

Key Playbook Snippet

- name: Confirm OMI process is running
  shell: "ps -ef | grep omi | grep -v grep"
  register: omi_status
  changed_when: false

- name: Display installation result
    msg: "Installation successful. OMI process is running."
  when: omi_status.stdout != ""

- name: Fail if OMI process is not running
    msg: "OMI installation failed!"
  when: omi_status.stdout == ""

Check Out the Full Project

The complete Ansible project is available on my GitHub:
🔗 GitHub Repository: Ansible-OMI-Install

I’ll be documenting more automation projects on my blog. Stay tuned! 🚀
If you found this helpful, let’s connect on LinkedIn and discuss more about automation and DevOps!